How do we worship?
In worship, we gather in God’s name to give praise for the mighty gifts of forgiveness, peace, and grace that the Lord gives to us in baptism and communion. We worship because God accompanies us through the joys and sorrows of life while filling us with good things. Add your voice to our joyful noise as we pray and sing to God.
Scroll down for times and descriptions of services. If you are unable to attend in person, we also offer virtual worship, online, via YouTube.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into God’s presence with singing. –Psalm 100:1-2
Saturday Evening Service
6:00 pm in the Sanctuary
A traditional communion service with a spoken liturgy and shortened hymns on piano and organ. Expect the service to be about 45 minutes in length.
Sunday Morning Traditional Service
8:00 am in the Sanctuary
A traditional communion service with a sung liturgy, sacred hymns accompanied by organ and piano, and occasional special music offerings. The service is about one hour in length.
Sunday Morning
Contemporary Service
10:45 am in the Sanctuary
A communion service with a blended liturgy that utilizes a variety of musical styles. The liturgy is sung, sacred hymns are led by organ, piano, and our worship band, Song of Zion with occasional special presentations by the children’s choir, Noiz.
A special Children’s Sermon is also prepared for the 10:45 Service. The service runs for about one hour.