“Children and youth at Zion experience their faith together through learning, fun, worship, and service. We grow together in relationships and provide a space for young people to develop lives of faith rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I welcome parents and youth of all ages to come and see all that God is doing in and through us here at Zion.”
Ryan Custead
Faith Formation Director
Director of Outreach
In our Congregation
Youth at Zion are an integral part of our congregational life. Opportunities for Christian education come through our Confirmation Process, Sunday School classes for all ages, bible studies, and more. We have fun together at Lock-Ins and our regularly meeting Youth Group, Cr@zy. Children and teens also come to experience an intergenerational bond with all members of our congregation as they worship, learn, and serve alongside Christians of all ages.
In the Community
We believe young people gain tools for lifelong faith formation by partnering with other local churches, serving local organizations, and opening our doors to the entire community. Our youth regularly volunteer with organizations like American Rescue Workers, Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries, and the Salvation Army, where they experience how their faith leads them to serve the needs of others. We are blessed to provide a safe and positive environment for our entire community’s youth at events like our Afterburners after high school football games. Partnering with other local churches annually for interdenominational youth ministry events helps us live our faith out in new contexts and environments.
Retreats & Summer Camps
We provide opportunities throughout the year for youth to retreat from normal life patterns with trips, summer camps, and more. Experiencing the beauty of God’s creation, living together in community, and having freedom from distractions provide us with a chance to grow in faith and love for God and one another. We regularly partner with Camp Sequanota in Boswell, PA, for weekend-long retreats and summer camping programs. Other offsite opportunities include trips to Ocean City, MD, participation in the ELCA National Youth Gathering, and Allegheny Synod youth events.
Children & Families
Zion is a great place for younger children and families! We offer programs like our summer Family Camp, a Family Winter Retreat, Vacation Bible School, monthly Family Game Nights, Sunday School, annual Christmas Pageants, and more. Children have fun, learn, and come to know Jesus as the foundation of their lives. Parents gain tools for making faith formation something that happens at church, at home, and in the community.